You can also find the album on Tidal, Napster, Google Play, Deezer, Pandora and other streaming services. For orders of a physical package (such as the CD version of the album), please visit the website of Edition Zanko GmbH.

“Music always hides a deep message. To understand that message, you must open your door to joy. Life is a process for infinite joy. You too can experience it.”

Nikolai Ivanov OM: ac. guitar, tamboura, sitar, keyboards, flutes, percussion, kazy, vocal
Morrigan: vocal
Boyan Boyanov: ac. guitar, djembe, percussion
Tsvetan Vasilev: keyboards
Maria Koleva, Miglena Tzenova, Todor Dimitrov, Dimitar Kostantsaliev, Stanislav Kirov, Todor Yankulov: vocals
All songs traditional and arranged by Nikolai Ivanov OM
Total time – 64:36